The Personal Growth Workshop
We know our friends & colleagues well. Do we understand ourselves properly? Are YOU prepared for YOUR future? Do you have the life-skills required to reach your desired future?
The Workshop is aimed at equipping the participants with abilities to understand self and others, provide direction and vision to personal life and learn leadership styles and team dynamics. Each module can also be conducted separately depending on the needs and requirements of the clients.
The structure of the workshop is based on the following:
- Analyzing Self – strengths and weaknesses.
- Using the power of feedback to improve the ‘Self.
- Analysis of Personal Goals and setting of new goals.
- Learning Communication Skills.
- Understanding Human Behaviour.
- Understanding Leadership Qualities and putting into practice different leadership styles.
- Understanding Motivation and Delegation.
- Managing Questions.
- Learning to take effective and quick decisions.
- Building strong teams and learning to respect others’ views.
- Learning to share responsibility and personal accountability.
- Working towards collective success.
- Creating visions for oneself and organizations that go beyond the possible.
What you will gain from this program:
- There will be a measurable & positive change in your personality.
- You will become aware of your strengths and weaknesses enabling you to use them effectively.
- You will gain focus and enhance your leadership skills.
- You will learn to take responsibility for your success and destiny!!