The continuous and huge flow of information and the constant pressure to increase productivity makes it necessary that we gain techniques to learn faster and process information in less time and with less stress. The term “Mind Map” was first used by Tony Buzan in the 1970s, but the use of diagrams to visually map information goes back to almost the 3rd century.
Mind Mapping is recognized as one of the world’s best visual thinking tools. This half day program is designed to enable you to think, learn and work more effectively. Particularly, you will learn how to use Mind Maps to make and take notes, brainstorm, solve problems, make decisions, plan and prioritise, and prepare reports and presentations. Mind Mapping helps you structure complex information, organize your thoughts, prepare projects, assignments and presentations and increase your creativity.
This half day workshop will help get your creativity working. It will help you to take better notes at lectures and meetings. You will be able to enhance the quality and flexibility of your thinking. Additionally, you can effectively save time and boost your creative thinking abilities. You will be able to read and produce Mind Maps for various situations. Furthermore, you will be able to organize your thoughts and planning by creating relevant Mind Maps.

  • How the mind works. – learn how we learn!
  • Traditional note taking.
  • Mind Mapping techniques.
  • Where can I use Mind Maps?
  • How to read Mind Maps.
  • How to create effective Mind Maps.
  • Mind Mapping at work and study.
  • Individual and group Mind Maps.

What you will gain from this program:

  • Understand how the brain works.
  • Learn practical techniques that you can apply to your everyday situations.
  • Improve your organization skills by removing the need for lengthy note making or taking.
  • Become a better thinker, using more creativity and strategy.
  • Recognize and implement personal and professional applications of Mind Mapping.
  • You will be able to gather all information at one place, enabling problem solving.


  • Practical demonstrations.
  • Hands-on individual Mind Mapping tasks.
  • Group Mind Mapping sessions.